Let me be

I beg my eyes to not forget to tear- for

I can't heal if I don't know how to tear

I beg my ears to not forget to listen - for

I can’t function if I can’t hear my own thoughts

I beg my face to not forget to fill the days with smiles  - for

I can't find my face if it don't feel my smile

I beg my heart to not forget to beat to its own rhythm - for

I can't live if I don't feel it's beats

I beg myself not to forget to sing my own song - for

I can't grow if I don't hear my voice

Let me be

I beg my eyes to not forget to tear for you

I can't heal if I don't know how to tear for your pains

I beg my ears to not forget to listen to your thoughts

I can’t function if I can’t hear your thoughts

I beg my face to not forget to smile in your presence

I can't find my face if I don't feel your smile on it

I beg my heart to not forget to dance to its beats for you

I can't live if  my heart can't dance with you

I beg myself to not forget to sing my own song to you

I can't grow if I don't hear my voice in my own song for you

Let me be

A poem to reflect on

self respect strenthened by respect of fellow humans

by Sumathy Ramesh, Sydney, 2020


My name is Sumathy Ramesh. I call for a technological-renaissance in 2024.

Anchored on critical experiences  from twenty four and a half yrs of successful career in the defence, medtech and professional education industries, I  have translated my believes into a social enterprise lzerobzero.

I was born in India in independent India in 1960 in a small town called Palani, with limited scope for technical tertiary education, in times where most Indian's had not understood what it means to be independent.

As a first-generation migrant to Australia, I have faced more than my fair share of critical experiences stretching my strengths in knowing who I am and being myself, through uncompromising respect for those around me to the fore -a trait instilled in me by my husband and nurtured by my children. And to my own surprise, its what I learnt in my primary/secondary years that have helped me find my feet everytime the ground under them caved-in.

To me every human matters; the path to peace is through adequate correction of injustices of the past from the perspective of both the inflictor of the injustice and the impacted directly such that there is no ambiguity or misperceptions from ingrained cavitation in the systems or processes assessing and delivering corrections and preventions.

I understand renaissance is inspired by writings such as "man is the measure of all things" by Protogoras from c. 490 BC – c. 420 BC.(REF:https:en.wikipedia.orgwikiRenaissance#:~:text=The%20Renaissance%20(UK%3A%20%2Fr,ideas%20and%20achievements%20of%20classical) The Renaissance, I understand is a "period in history" marked by a "cultural movement" that transitioned humanity from the unworkable practices devolving civilizations back to the "middle ages" in the 15th and 16th centuries to "modernity" to infuse innovations to revive and surpass accomplishments since the golden ages of humanity when civilizations flourished celebrating humans and their immense capabilities.

Some six-hundred and odd years down the line since the transition to "modernity", I think humanity is screaming for neoModernity in a globalised world post colonial centuries of exploitation and atrocities-mostly fueled by the ignorance of the culture, accomplishments and ingrained ethical boundaries of the colonised people; the relics of adherence to some of already outdated ideas augmented by the 20th century technology nearly wiped out all of Europe and Asia through the first and second world wars.

Some seventy and odd years of post WWII technological innovations while may have scored at a transactional level on very many aspects of understanding of the underlying physics, chemistry and biology of all inanimate matter and living species(REF: Zero Harm, Sumathy Ramesh, lzerobzero), all but devolved humanity back to the middle ages.

We stand at cross roads- we infact have been standing at cross roads since 1945, mitigating against the risk of another worldwar through extensive measures and intensive human efforts in every sphere known to mankind with the best of intensions, yet, as Musk succinctly put in an interview a few years ago, "the humanity is at the brink of collapse and no one seem to care".

No more.. there are many of us who care.. who care so deeply that we have sustained untellable insults to our tissues in irrecoverable manner and yet keep our focus fuelled by nothing but a simple instinct and memories of wisdom from lost colleagues we cherish fo inspirations, such as "Don't worry Suma, they won't let it happen".

Its time for transitioning to neoModernity, based on neoPhysics(REF: Omniverse, Sumathy Ramesh, lzerobzero) for we can no longer stretch 16th century ideas to our own determent, they have served us well and we should find the courage to move on.

We need new technology, based on new models of the observed universe, a model that will work for every one, every human, not a select few who are capable of memorising phonetic strings in ancient latin or greek keeping the rest of humanity, including governments accountable for making decisions with consequences for millions of lives today, and multi million more lives to come.

Specifically, we need a technological renaissance, instantly deprecating unworkable practices destroying all living species including humans, devolving one human or another at a time until all of humanity is reduced to a servo-loop.

I decided to call it technological-rennaissance after toying with technnaissance and neoRennaissance and rejecting TR at the outset.

I have a broad brush plan and it would take about 12 years to develop the thirteen functions to make the transition to a new world, my dream world, where every living species, including humans have an opportunity florish exploring their immense capabilities anchored on respect for themselves as humans capable of accomplishments they would have respect for and respect every one else and their capacity to accomplish what they would have respect for.

Launching Sudarma, an lzerobzero initiative towards technological-rennaissance.



Monday 26 FEB 2024

Sumathy Ramesh

lzerobzero, a social enterprise with an online address

Founder, Writer and Operator based in Sydney.